胶原蛋白诱发(CIA) 的小鼠关节炎与人类类风湿关节炎具有共同的免疫学和病理学特征。因此CIA模型被广泛应用于研究致病机理和治疗方案的研究 (1-3)。尽管该模型具有高度可重复性,但要成功诱导高发病率和严重程度的关节炎,一些影响造模的因素需要考虑。以下是成功诱发小鼠关节炎的一些重要因素。因此,建议首次造模者需要考虑这些因素,确定可行性方案。
A. Animal Vendors
B. Housing Condition & Diet
为 避 免 细 菌 和 病 毒 感 染 在 实 验 中 引 起 的 差 异 ,Chondrex公司建议在无特定病原体 (SPF级) 条件下饲养动。 一般来说,对于肠道菌群,不管是否致病都显著影响宿主对抗原的免疫应答。 例如,对于感染肝炎病毒(MHV)的小鼠,胶原蛋白不能诱发关节炎。饮食也会影响关节炎的发病率和严重程度, CIA 在饲喂不同饲料的小鼠中差异很大。饲喂高脂肪的食物更容易引起高发病率关节炎(5)。
C. Mouse Age & Strains
建议使用具有成熟免疫系统的7-8周龄的小鼠。老龄小鼠可能对CIA的易感性较差。Chondrex公司建议在重复实验中使用相同周龄的小鼠。小鼠对CIA的易感性与MHC-II 类分子相关(6), 同时也取决于接种二型胶原蛋白的小鼠品系。DBA/1(H-2q) 和B10.RIII(H-2r) 品系的小鼠被广泛应用,因为这两个品系对CIA高度易感。DBA/1(H-2q)小鼠,对鸡,牛和猪二型胶原有免疫应答。B10.RIII小鼠对牛和猪二型胶原有免疫应答,但对鸡而型胶原的免疫应答较弱。两种品系小鼠对小鼠的二型胶原蛋白免疫应答较弱,关节炎发生率低于10% (7)。
另一方面,CIA 抗性的小鼠也可能产生关节炎抗体。表明小鼠对 CIA 的敏感性不仅取决于MHC类型。 研究表明, CIA抗性的小鼠 C57BL/6, 129/Sv (H-2b), and Balb/c(H-2d) ,当 INF-g 和 IL-10 基因敲除后,小鼠能产生关节炎自身抗体从而发生关节炎。这表明,对关节炎的敏感性也取决于不同细胞因子水平(8)。
Mouse Strain | H-2 Type | CIA Susceptibility | Ref # | CAIA Susceptibility | Ref# | Note |
DBA/1 | q | High | 2, 5, 6 | High | 13,21 | INFγ high |
B10.Q | q | High | 6 | (High) | ||
B10.G | q | High | 6 | (High) | ||
NFR/N | q | High | 38 | (High) | ||
SWR | q | Resistant | 17 | Resistant | C5 deficient | |
B10.RIII | r | High | 6 | High | 13 | Low response:chick and human type II |
B10 | b | Low | 10 | (High) | * Need alternative immunization | |
C57BL/6 | b | Low | 10 | Moderate -High | 9,18,30 | LPS low responder –* Need alternative immunization |
C57BL/6 beige | b | Resistant | 20 | Resistant | PMN mutation | |
C57BL/6 x 129/Sv | b | Low | 10 | Moderate -High | 30,31 | * Need alternative immunization |
129/Sv | b | Resistant | 10 | High | 27 | |
B10.D2/nSn | d | Resistant | 20 | High | 20 | |
B10.D2/oSn | d | Resistant | 20 | Resistant | 20 | C5 deficient |
Balb/c | d | Resistant | High | 13 | ||
Balb/c nu/nu | d | Resistant | Resistant | 28 | B & T cell deficient | |
C3H/He | k | low | 38 | (Low) | ||
B10.S | s | Resistant | 5 | ? | ||
SJL/1 | s | Moderate | 2 | (High) | ||
C.B-17 scid/scid | Resistant | High | 18 | B & T cell deficient |
*Develops arthritis by alternative immunization with CFA containing high concentrations of M.tuberculosis. *需要含高剂量结核杆菌的CFA诱导关节炎
D. Adjuvant
含有结核杆菌的完全佐剂对于诱发小鼠关节炎很重要。不同于大鼠,二型胶原加不完全佐剂(不含结核杆菌)无法诱导小鼠关节炎。产生抗体,包括IgG2a抗体对于激活补体及随后的关节炎的发生具有重要作用,取决于完全佐剂中结核杆菌的含量。最近,Campbell 用CFA(5mg/ml)在对CIA 抗性的小鼠中成功诱发高发病率的关节炎(50-70%),例如:C57BL/6,B10, and 129/Sv mice (H-2b) (10)。然而含高浓度结核杆菌的完全佐会诱发严重的炎症, 所以佐剂浓度(结核杆菌含量)取决于各研究单位动物管理委员会要求。以下是Chondrex,公司的佐剂列表。
Catalog # | Description |
7002 | Incomplete Freund’s Adjuvant, 5 ml |
7008 | Freund’s Adjuvant, 5 ml x 1 mg/ml |
7009 | Freund’s Adjuvant, 5 ml x 2 mg/ml |
7015 | Freund’s Adjuvant, 5 ml x 3 mg/ml |
7001 | Freund’s Adjuvant, 5 ml x 4 mg/ml |
7023 | Freund’s Adjuvant, 5 ml x 5 mg/ml |
1. D. Trentham, A. Townes, A. Kang, Autoimmunity to Type II Collagen an Experimental Model of Arthritis. J Exp Med 146,857-68 (1977).
2. J. Courtenay, M. Dallman, A. Dayan, A. Martin, B. Mosedale,Immunisation Against Heterologous Type II Collagen Induces Arthritis in Mice. Nature 283, 666-8 (1980).
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6. P. Wooley, H. Luthra, M. Griffiths, J. Stuart, A. Huse, C.David, et al., Type II Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice. IV.Variations in Immunogenetic Regulation Provide Evidence for Multiple Arthritogenic Epitopes on the Collagen Molecule.J Immunol 135, 2443-51 (1985).
7. R. Holmdahl, L. Jansson, E. Larsson, K. Rubin, L.Klareskog, Homologous Type II Collagen Induces Chronic and Progressive Arthritis in Mice. Arthritis Rheum 29, 106-13 (1986).
8. R. Ortmann, E. Shevach, Susceptibility to Collagen-Induced Arthritis: Cytokine-Mediated Regulation. Clin Immunol 98,109-18 (2001).
10. I. Campbell, J. Hamilton, I. Wicks, Collagen-induced Arthritis in C57BL/6 (H-2b) Mice: New Insights Into an Important Disease Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Eur J Immunol 30,1568-75 (2000).
17. R. Reife, N. Loutis, W. Watson, K. Hasty, J. Stuart, SWR Mice Are Resistant to Collagen-Induced Arthritis but Produce Potentially Arthritogenic Antibodies. Arthritis Rheum 34, 776-81 (1991).
20. W. Watson, P. Brown, J. Pitcock, A. Townes, Passive Transfer Studies With Type II Collagen Antibody in B10.D2/old and New Line and C57Bl/6 Normal and Beige(Chediak-Higashi) Strains: Evidence of Important Roles for C5 and Multiple Inflammatory Cell Types in the Development of Erosive Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 30, 460-5(1987).
38. R. Holmdahl, L. Jansson, M. Andersson, E. Larsson, Immunogenetics of Type II Collagen Autoimmunity and Susceptibility to Collagen Arthritis. Immunology 65, 305-10 (1988).